
Serena Williams Can Practice Trademark Law at Jones Day

" I think if you have the opportunity to bully your opponent then you had better take that chance"
Serena Williams- tennis player

Reminds me of the lawyers at Jones Day. As widely reported, Jones Day has filed a lawsuit against the owner of the website Blockshopper.com.
Why you ask? Because he had the temerity to report on the home purchases of two Jones Day lawyers. Did Jones Day object to the disclosure of private information? No. Did they claim a violation of copyright law? No.
Jones Day claims that by using the term jones day to identify the employer of each lawyer Blockshpper.com is creating confusion and diluting the value of the term Jones Day.

I have commented before on how willing some law firms are to distort trademark doctrine to bully others on behalf of their clients. So I guess I should not be surprised that some lawyers would react the same way when their own activities were disclosed.
Perhaps the lawyers at Jones Day could visit their own website. And read about their foundational values. That begin with integrity and personal accountability.


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